Analysis of Some Morphometric Parameters of Tibia

Analysis of Some Morphometric Parameters of Tibia
Degenerative arthritis of knee joint is common, but treatment is a difficult problem. Especially with increasing age, it leads to serious dysfunction and affects the quality of life of the person negatively. In this study, it was aimed to measure some morphological values of tibia proximal in healthy individuals and to establish normal reference intervals. Method: The study was carried out on 100 individuals (50 females-50 males) who were referred to the Department of Radiology, Konya Education and Research Hospital, Health Sciences University and Multidector Computed Tomography (MDCT). Individuals aged between 20 and 80 were included in the study. Results: Three different parameters of tibia were measured and their mean values were determined. We investigated whether statistically significant differences exist between men and women. Conclusion: When literature information was considered, anatomic details belonging to tibia are used for orthopedic surgary. As a result, knowing the anatomical details of the knee joint, which is one of the most commonly used joints in daily life, will be useful during surgery and in the construction of orthosis and prosthesis.
The knee joint is a hinge-type joint that allows flexion and extension movements. Stability of the joint is provided by static and dynamic structures. Static structures are composed of capsules and ligaments, and dynamic structures are composed of muscles and tendons. The knee joint is a joint formed between the femur, tibia and patella. Fibula is not included in this joint.
Degenerative arthritis of knee joint is common but treatment is a difficult problem. Especially with increasing age, it leads to serious dysfunction and affects the quality of life of the person negatively [3]. In adults, increased lateral tibial torsion is associated with patellar femoral joint problems, and increased medial tibial torsion may be associated with knee osteoarthritis.
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Annie Grace Sarah
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Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences