“Bless Your Heart. Live Smart.â€Â

​​ Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine and Therapeutics is a monthly Open Access Publication. It publishes original research articles, epidemiological studies, new methodological clinical approaches, case reports, design and goals of clinical trials, review articles, points of view, editorials and Images in cardiovascular medicine.
Submitted articles undergo a preliminary review by the editor. Articles being considered for publication will undergo further assessment and peer-review by the editors and those invited to do so from a reviewer pool. ​
The Cardiovascular Diseases affecting the developed world have at their core atherosclerosis and Hypertension, both of which are profoundly affected by diet and can be approached, at least in part, from a nutritional point of view, as can the increasing “epidemic” of obesity.
The definitive study of nutrients and their impact on cardiovascular disease can be a daunting enterprise. Many dietary risk factors contribute to these diseases in various environmental and ethnic settings. These risk factors are often in evidence in youth so that preventive measures must be initiated early in life.
Referring your previous interest on this field, we welcome you to share advanced research outcomes in the upcoming issue .
We consider Research/Review/Case report/Short commentary/Clinical image, etc. for possible publication.
You may send the article online at https://www.scholarscentral.org/submissions/cardiovascular-medicine-therapeutics.html or as an email attachment to the mail-id cardiovasmed@medicalres.org
Amanda Menard
Associate Managing Editor
Email: cardiovasmed@medicalres.org
Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine and Therapeutics
WhatsApp: +3225889658