Comparative Study of Liver Enzymes Activities in Smokers and Diabetic Sudanese Patients

Comparative Study of Liver Enzymes Activities in Smokers and Diabetic Sudanese Patients
liver function can be affected by many factors; the proposed effects of diabetes and smoking in liver function require a comprehensive evaluation. This study was conducted to compare the effect of these factors on liver enzymes in Sudanese population. Method: activity of liver enzyme AST, ALT and ALP were estimated in 235 volunteer (75 smokers, 75 diabetic patients and 85 normal individual as control). Results: Mean±SD of AST, ALT and ALP of smoker were (14±5.9), (27±13) and (105±18.9) respectively, and of diabetic were (25±7.8), (28±5.8) and (130±20) respectively, which were higher compared to control groups (15.5±4.6), (23±5.1), and (88.3±16.7), respectively, P.value= 0.000. Conclusion: The findings advise that both cigarette smoking and diabetes have effects in liver function leading to variable alteration in liver enzyme activity.
Diabetes mellitus is actually a group of metabolic diseases, characterized by hyperglycemia, resulting from defect in insulin secretion, insulin action or both. Diabetes mellitus is classified into two major categories type 1 (Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus IDDM) and type2 (non-Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus NIDDM). Complication of diabetes atheroma, hypertension, diabetic nephropathy, diabetic retinopathy, which may lead to blindness, bacterial infection and peripheral neuropathy (nerve damage). Recent studies have shown that the incidence of diabetic complication in both type1, and type2, diabetes can be reduced by treating hypertension vigorously and ensuring strict control of blood sugar level.
Glucose metabolism is regulated mainly by liver. The liver has the capability to store glucose as glycogen. An association exists between diabetes and patient has been smoker and liver injury including fatty liver fibrosis and cirrhosis. Serum level of liver enzymes increased according to the damage of the liver cell, these enzymes include transferase enzymes, Aspartate transferase (AST), and Alanine transferase (ALT) and Alkaline phosphatase (ALP). Alkaline
The findings suggest that cigarette smoking has mild effect on liver cell in comparison with diabetes which leads to liver injury indicated by increased liver enzymes.
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With Regards,
Annie Grace Sarah
Editorial Assistant
Asian Journal of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences