Fish diseases and pathogens
All fish carry pathogens and parasites. Usually this is at some cost to the fish. If the cost is sufficiently high, then the impacts can be characterised as a disease. However disease in fish is not understood well. What is known about fish disease often relates to aquaria fish, and more recently, to farmed fish.
Disease is a prime agent affecting fish mortality, especially when fish are young. Fish can limit the impacts of pathogens and parasites with behavioural or biochemical means, and such fish have reproductive advantages. Interacting factors result in low grade infection becoming fatal diseases. In particular, things that causes stress, such as natural droughts or pollution or predators, can precipitate outbreak of disease.
Pathogens: Pathogens which can cause fish diseases comprise:
- Viral infections, such as esocid lymphosarcoma found in Esox species,or the nervous necrosis virus which infects teleosts.
- Bacterial infections, such as Pseudomonas fluorescens leading to fin rot and fish dropsy
- Fungal infections
- Water mould infections, such as Saprolegnia sp.
- Metazoan parasites, such as copepods
- Unicellular parasites, such as Ichthyophthirius multifiliis leading to ich
- Certain parasites like Helminths for example Eustrongylides
In this Research Topic collection we invite researchers to submit manuscripts along the following themes:
Manuscript contributions that deal with Fish diseases, Recent advances in vaccines for fish diseases, Medication,etc.
- Interdisciplinary research, observational field studies, experiments or manipulations, meta-analyses, reviews or modeling approaches are also welcome.
Journal of Fisheries Research is now accepting submissions on this topic. A standard EDITORIAL TRACKING SYSTEM is utilized for manuscript submission, review, editorial processing and tracking which can be securely accessed by the authors, reviewers and editors for monitoring and tracking the article processing. Manuscripts can be uploaded online at Editorial Tracking System ( or forwarded to the Editorial Office at
Anna D Parker
Journal Manager
Journal of Fisheries Research