Network meta-analysis of the effectiveness of various drugs in preventing allergic hypersensitivity in patients after anesthesia
Network meta-analysis of the effectiveness of various drugs in preventing allergic hypersensitivity in patients after anesthesia
Objective: To explore the effect of different drugs on postoperative hyperalgesia in general anesthesia patients.
Methods: A randomized controlled trial was conducted to detect the hyperalgesia of patients with general anesthesia from PubMed, Embase, Medline, CNKI and Wanfang databases. The visual analogue scale (VAS) assessment of hyperalgesia patients after anesthesia was extracted as well as the effects of various prophylactic agents on the incidence of side effects in postoperative patients. Multivariables meta-analysis was performed by Stata 14.0 software to explore the effectiveness of various drugs in preventing postoperative hyperalgesia and side effects.
Results: A total of 12 articles included 983 patients were included in this study. The results showed that the selected drugs had a certain effect on the prevention of hyperalgesia after anesthesia, but the incidence of side effects caused by dexmedetomidine and diazepam was the lowest.
Conclusion: From the prevention of hypersensitivity after anesthesia and reduce the incidence of postoperative side effects, it is recommended that the clinical preferred dextromethorphan, followed by the selective application of diazepam or flurbiprofen ester.
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Allied Journal of Medical Research